India’s environment during and after Covid – A mirage or hope for future.

Covid has caused unprecedented economic and social misery, pushing millions round the world to poverty and starvation, along with anxiety around health and safety. In these difficult and uncertain times, one thing that has found a fresh lease of life is our environment – our air is cleaner, our rivers less polluted and birds and other species at ease.

Given the economic challenge confronting the world, restarting the economy is going to be the foemost priority of our government/s , and we fear that all that we have gained in terms of ecology will be wiped out, as a mirage, shortly, perhaps for the worse.

Situation also presents an opportunity, a plan B, of slowdown and course correction, to imagine an economic order that takes along the principles of sustainable development and equitable growth.

Vimlendu Jha is an environmentalist and a member of key international environmental boards including UN.

Time – 7:30 pm

He will be speaking at #MondayFixGoa – an initiative by THUS. The talk will be live streamed at

Date – Monday, 18th May 2020